Kamis, 11 Oktober 2007

8 Habits to Highly Effective People (hwakakakaka)

Jadi korban (tepatnya: meminta jd korban) tag-nya Naoki :D

8 kebiasaan (buruk) saya:

1. Lelet
2. Procastinate (duh, pemanfaat detik2 terakhir banget deh pokoke)
3. Suka bangun siang ^_^ (utamanya hari libur. secara ya, kemewahan di hari libur itu ya bisa bangun siang itu doank :D)
4. Males bersih2
5. Males masak
6. Males mandi
7. Males makan
8. Males keluar kamar
9. Males sosialisasi
10. Males ngapa2in deh

Lho, lho, lho, itu bukankah ciri2 'chronic fatigue syndrom'? Lagian kan disuruhnya juga cuman 8 (kurang ya? :D)

Rules :
1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.

Korban gw selanjutnya siapa ya?
Karena gw orangnya males maksa, maka gw persilahkan deh bagi siapa aja yang mau dengan suka rela menjadi korban tag ini. Confirm yaa di comment. Thx before :)

1 komentar:

Pandi mengatakan...

deh tuh di halaman multidimensionn... hehehehe